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Residence permit in Bulgaria: a complete guide to registration in 2025

A residence permit in Bulgaria is granted to those who have a legitimate reason to stay in the country for a long time (more than three months). With it you can move to the state, work, study, run a business, enjoy financial support, and in the future – to request the status of permanent resident and citizenship of the European Union. Usually, a temporary residence permit is issued to those who have no criminal record, are able to provide for themselves, protected by health insurance and owhs or rents housing on the territory of the state.

Residence permit of the Republic of Bulgaria can be obtained, for example, on the basis of employment, enrollment in a university, opening a company or buying real estate. Resident status is also granted to investors, financially secure persons and retirees, freelancers, family members of local residents. To obtain a document, you first apply to the diplomatic mission for a D visa, and upon arrival in the country, you apply for a temporary residence permit. All important information about immigration to Bulgaria, relevant in 2025, is collected in this article.

Sign up for a free legal consultation to learn about simple and fast ways to obtain residency or even citizenship in the EU countries. The Relocation Compass lawyers will analyze your file and then recommend the best way to immigrate to the EU as quickly as possible and without major expenses.

Advantages of obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria

The right of temporary residence in Bulgaria allows you to stay in the warm, economically developed and inexpensive country from 1 to 4 years. You can leave the republic and return there without opening a visa. In addition, a local residence permit allows you to:

  • visit the EU member states freely without an entry permit;
  • carry out labor, professional or commercial activities (for most types of residence);
  • request reunification with family members for joint residence and obtain a similar status for them;
  • participate in the social life of the state, including changing tax residency (for example, personal income tax here is only 10%);
  • use the services of European banks with popular financial instruments (SWIFT, Visa, Mastercard);
  • seek qualified medical care on the basis of a basic insurance policy;
  • apply for visas and residence permits in other EU countries with a high probability of approval;
  • apply for the status of permanent resident and then a citizen of Bulgaria and the European Union.

Main ways of obtaining a Bulgarian residence permit

In order to obtain a Bulgarian residence permit, you need to have one of the grounds for immigration listed in the national law “For aliens”. Please note that not every residence permit can be extended and entitles you to apply for permanent residence status. For example, for a limited period of time (on average up to 12 months) without the possibility of re-issuance are issued resident cards for interns, volunteers, business travelers and seasonal employees. This is important to know if you are planning a long-term immigration with subsequent naturalization in the state.

Entering into a work contract

If you are employed by a Bulgarian company, you can obtain the right of temporary residence in the country. The issuance of a residence and work permit in the country is handled by the receiving party, which applies to a specialized agency with a request. It is important that the vacancy was previously presented on the labor market and not interested EU citizens. A residence permit can also be issued to someone who does not have a specific employer, but will represent his professional interests in the state – it can be a sportsman, a journalist or a lecturer. You need to prove your experience and education by documents.

Commercial activity

Foreigners can apply for a Bulgarian residence permit by registering an enterprise in the republic or purchasing shares in an existing company. The move is also possible for those who seek to bring their business to the international level by opening a representative office in Bulgaria. The state does not limit immigrants in the amount of authorized capital or occupation. The main conditions are to have a business plan, relevant experience, as well as to organize at least 10 jobs for Bulgarian citizens for the entire period of the company’s existence. Immigration is possible with the approval of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Jobs requiring high qualifications

Like other EU countries, Bulgaria issues Blue Card to those who have higher education and a specialty in demand in the country. You need to find a vacancy in your profession, sign a long-term employment contract and earn from one and a half average salaries in the country (about 1760 EUR per month). The EU Blue Card is an immigration type document, which can be valid for up to 48 months (depends on your work contract) and allows you to immediately immigrate to the Republic together with your family members. You can also apply for employment in other EU countries.

Freelance employment

You can apply for a Bulgarian residence permit if you plan to work for yourself while living in the republic. To do this you need to know the state language at a conversational level (B1 according to the European CERF classification), have a higher education in a relevant specialty, and provide the authorities with information about your income level (not lower than the minimum wage in the country) and professional plans. Your request is analyzed by the national Employment Agency – if approved, you can expect to be granted residency.

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria

University enrollment

The right of temporary residence in Bulgaria can be obtained for study if you are enrolled as a full-time student at a local institution (university, academy, institute). Immigration is also available to participants of interstate student exchange programs. It is important to document (with the appropriate certificate) the fact of enrollment in the university, as well as to pay for the annual educational course. Upon completion of studies, it is possible to obtain a short-term residence permit to find a job or open a company, which allows you to subsequently count on naturalization in the country.

Family immigration

Residence permits in Bulgaria are issued to husbands, wives, children of those who reside in the country legally with a residence permit of immigration type (you need to stay in the state for more than a year), permanent residence permit or a passport of the European Union. Relocation is also possible for financially independent parents of citizens and permanent residents of the country. Family ties must be confirmed by metric documents. As an exception, reunification can be approved for other relatives, for example, if they are dependents of the host country.

Investing in the country’s economy

Bulgaria is one of the few countries of the European Union, which gives wide opportunities for registration of local residency for investments. The minimum amount of investments is about 128 thousand EUR – they are used for the development of economically backward regions of the republic. When increasing the capital up to 308 thousand EUR, it is possible to buy a residential or commercial object on the territory of the state and on this basis to open a residence permit. It is also possible to get a permanent resident card immediately, if you invest from 511 300 EUR in stocks, shares, state securities.

Other grounds

You can also become a resident of Bulgaria for other, less common reasons – for example, as a financially secure foreign pensioner, a member of a recognized religious cult, an intern in an international company, an employee of a European volunteer organization. Residence permits are also granted to researchers, employees within the framework of intra-corporate transfer, and seconded immigrants. In each case, the reason for the move must be supported by appropriate documents, such as a certificate of foreign pension or a contract with an institute.

Bulgaria also has a simplified citizenship program – its participants do not have to open a residence card and stay with it in the state from 10 years, as in the case of standard naturalization. With the help of Relocation Compass lawyers, you can get a second passport of the EU country in the period from 4 to 12 months, and you will not need to move abroad, take a language exam and invest in the economy of the republic. Find out the details of the procedure during a free consultation.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria

  1. Determining the immigration reason.
    At the first stage it is necessary to understand what reason for moving to Bulgaria suits you best. You should compare the terms and conditions of residency, your needs and skills to determine which way will be easier to open a residence permit. International law experts can help you with this.
  2. Opening an entry permit.
    Even if your passport entitles you to enter Bulgaria without a visa, you need to open a D-category permit for immigration. It is issued at a consulate or embassy (by appointment) after submitting the required documents and paying an administrative fee.
  3. Immigration and registration in the Republic.
    Within one month from the moment of application you will be issued a D visa, with which you should arrive in Bulgaria and make an address registration. The entry permit is valid for 6-12 months, during which you should visit the migration service and request a temporary resident card.
  4. Issuance of a residence permit.
    You make an appointment at the Migration Service of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and personally submit there a request for a residence permit together with your documents, as well as submit fingerprints. Within 14 days you will be informed of the result – if the application is approved, you can pick up the ready-made card in the unit of the Ministry of Interior Affairs, to which you applied.

Requirements and conditions for obtaining a residence permit

The right to temporary residence in Bulgaria is granted to those who have a reason to stay there longer than the validity period of the national visa category D. Immigration reason must be proved by relevant documents. It is also important to be financially secure (to receive not less than the minimum wage, scholarship or pension in the country, depending on the type of residence permit), have no criminal records, be of legal age (or to obtain the consent of parents/guardians to move).

Residency in Bulgaria is granted to foreigners who have housing in the country (bought, rented or provided), obtained a health insurance policy for the entire period of validity of the immigration status and do not pose a threat (including health) to the security of the Republic. Additional requirements may relate to knowledge of the national language, work/education experience in the profile and other factors, depending on the reason for opening a residence permit.

In order to obtain a Bulgarian temporary residence permit, it is necessary to collect a dossier which contains of:

  • original and a copy of a valid passport or a replacement document with a D visa and a stamp of entry into the country;
  • proof of the right to move, such as an employment contract, a certificate of enrollment in a university or a letter of invitation from a relative;
  • a receipt of the administrative fee for processing the application and issuance of the temporary resident card;
  • a general application form filled out in Bulgarian according to the reason for the move;
  • proof of housing in the country, e.g., a contract concluded with a landlord;
  • extract from the court record issued in your home country to inform you that you have no criminal record;
  • metric documents (birth, marriage or divorce certificates, if required);
  • compulsory health insurance (unless you are insured, e.g., by your employer, according to local laws);
  • proof of source of livelihood (in particular, a work contract with salary or a bank statement).

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Terms and cost of residence permit processing

On average it takes a month to prepare the documents for a Bulgarian residence permit (less if you are assisted by immigration specialists). The time depends on what of the required contents of the dossier you already have on hand and whether you need to send requests to state authorities. Applications for a national visa are considered from 15 to 35 working days, for a residence permit – two weeks. It is also worth taking into account the queues at embassies and migration service – if the authorities are busy, you can wait several months for the apointment.

Registration of D visa to Bulgaria is charged at the rate of 100-200 EUR – the rate depends on the reason. A residence permit is valid for up to six months most often costs about 100 EUR, up to 12 months – about 250 EUR. For certain types of residence permits it is cheaper, for example for applicants for the European Union Blue Card. You also pay 5 EUR to the state treasury for consideration of the request. In addition, you have to pay for translation of foreign documents into Bulgarian, their notarization, apostille (if required), legal services.

Renewal and overpassing to permanent residence and citizenship

If you plan to stay in Bulgaria after the expiry of your temporary residence card, it is necessary to keep the immigration basis or find a new one. In such a case (and if you meet the conditions for granting a residence permit) you can request an extension of your status and document at the nearest Migration Office. You should apply to the migration authorities with a dossier and an application before the current residence permit is canceled. You re-pay the administrative fee, wait for the decision and personally pick up the ready-made resident card. It is important to remember that not all types of residence permits are extended.

After five years of permanent official stay in the republic you have the opportunity to apply for a Bulgarian permanent residence card. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill all the same requirements as for a temporary residence permit. It is not necessary to pass a language exam and provide information about paying taxes in Bulgaria. Permanent residency is also requested at the migration service – it must be done in person, submitting a package of documents. The permanent residence status is valid indefinitely, but is canceled if you leave the territory of the European Economic Area for more than a year.    

Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization can be expected after 5 years of residence in the country with permanent residence. The candidate needs to have a stable and legitimate source of income for self-sufficiency, speak the state language at a conversational level, demonstrate law-abiding behavior and renounce his/her passport in his/her home country. Citizenship status is requested at the Ministry of Justice, and you will need to be interviewed by an official. Within a year of receiving the application, the Minister of Justice decides whether to approve or reject it.

In addition to naturalization, Bulgaria has a simplified program of citizenship by repatriation – the waiting period for this program is up to a year. As the legal practice shows, many foreigners can take part in this procedure after a professional analysis of their ancestry. Sign up for a free consultation to find out more details and assess your chances of obtaining a second passport in the European Union fast and easy.

Possible difficulties and reasons for refusal

A residence permit in Bulgaria is not issued to those who do not meet any of the conditions for its granting. Requests are often rejected due to formal mistakes in the dossier, insufficient or incorrect execution of any of the required documents. Applications are denied by law enforcement authorities, for example, for reasons of national security. An already issued residence permit can be canceled if the immigrant violates the conditions of stay in the country, loses the basis for residence or it was found out that he/she has issued the document fraudulently.

The decision of the Bulgarian Migration Service can be challenged by filing an appeal in court. However, the authorities usually refuse foreigners for good reasons, so the chances of winning a lawsuit are minimal. The easiest way to obtain the right to reside in the republic is with the help of international law specialists, as they help to avoid mistakes in the immigration process. A personal lawyer will take care of all the necessary formalities so that the procedure is completed successfully, in a short period of time and does not bring you unnecessary worries.

Alternative options for fast processing of residence in Bulgaria

If you want to immigrate to Bulgaria, you can get a local passport instead of a residence permit under the accelerated repatriation procedure. This does not require you to move to the country with a temporary resident card and comply with the general conditions of naturalization. It is sufficient to undergo a legal background check by an international law specialist, provide information about your criminal record and wait for the result. You have the right to keep your previous passport, and while waiting for the second passport you can stay anywhere, including in your home country.

Relocation Compass immigration specialists provide comprehensive assistance in applying for Bulgarian citizenship. A personal lawyer will form the required package of documents for you, organize the apointment in the authorities and future travel, prepare for the interview for a successful result. Step-by-step support of specialists is a guarantee that you will receive a passport of the European Union in a short period of time, without special efforts and large investments. To analyze your background and participate in the simplified procedure, make an appointment for a free consultation right now.

Alex Wong


Alex Wong

Immigration lawyer at Relocation Compass


12 minutes

Date: 24-01-2025
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