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Citizenship of Romania: how foreigners to obtain it in 2025

The interest of foreigners in the citizenship of Romania is growing every year. Immigrants seek to obtain a second passport in a country of the European Union for visa-free travel around the world, entry into new labor and commercial markets, service in modern banks and clinics, free education in prestigious universities. Citizenship is also acquired for immigration purposes to move freely to the territory of the EU together with the family.

Those who have lived in the country for 8 years with a residence permit and fulfilled the accompanying conditions of naturalization have a chance to obtain the status of Romanian citizen. Investors, spouses of Romanians, recognized refugees are the quickest to obtain a passport. There is also a simplified repatriation program in the state, under which, with the support of migration specialists, it is possible to obtain citizenship within six months.

Check your chances to participate in the accelerated procedure of obtaining a Romanian passport. On this purpose, just make an appointment for a free legal consultation at Relocation Compass.

Migration legislation of Romania

The basis of the country’s migration policy is the law “On Romanian Citizenship” of March 1, 1991 with subsequent amendments. Important provisions for naturalization are given in the legal act “On the regime of aliens” No. 194/2002. There are also additional regulatory documents, such as Emergency Regulation No. 100 of July 25, 2024. The state does not prevent immigrants from moving and makes rather loyal requirements to them. For example, there are no quota restrictions or mandatory language exams for foreigners when opening a residence permit.

Who is eligible to apply for Romanian citizenship?  

In general, a Romanian passport is granted to those who have been living in the country for 8 years or more and who fulfill the integration requirements. It is necessary to pass language and socio-cultural exams, demonstrate financial security and have no problems with the law. Accelerated naturalization is available (but subject to general conditions) for:

  • internationally recognized persons;
  • Romanian spouses;
  • European Union citizens;
  • key investors.

Children, at least one of whose parents holds a Romanian passport, may automatically claim citizenship. The status is granted by “blood right” and does not require confirmation. The country also has a simplified repatriation program, i.e., restoration of civil rights to those who have ethnic or territorial belonging in the country. In this case, you only need to be of legal age, have no criminal record and prove your right to participate in the procedure by documentation (birth certificate of a Romanian ancestor).

The general list of documents to apply for Romanian citizenship includes:

  • a standard application form to be completed in the national language, supplemented by declarations of residence and the absence of a threat to national security on the part of the applicant;
  • original and photocopy of a valid passport of the home country for travel abroad, if applicable, also an identity card (e.g., a residence card);
  • metric documents, such as birth, marriage or divorce certificates (in case of a change of surname);
  • a statement of consent to the processing of personal data;
  • a receipt for the payment of the administrative fee for processing the application;
  • a certificate of criminal record issued by your country of origin and/or permanent residence;
  • when applying for citizenship together with a minor child – his/her metric documents and consent to the procedure (for children over 14 years old), as well as approval from the other parent (if applicable).

Ways of obtaining Romanian citizenship  

The three most common ways of acquiring Romanian citizenship status among adult foreigners can be distinguished:

  • standard naturalization;
  • accelerated naturalization through investment;
  • repatriation.

When choosing the appropriate method of obtaining a Romanian passport, you should take into account your plans, the nuances of your dossier and your budget. Naturalization is the standard option for those who are ready to immigrate to the country and have a legal basis for it, according to the legal act “On the regime of foreigners”. Investment is suitable for wealthy individuals who can invest in the economy of the state from one million euros. Repatriation is the fastest and most accessible way, where it is enough to prove your belonging to Romania or its people.

Like other countries of the European Union, Romania does not grant citizenship to the children of foreigners after giving birth on its territory. The child receives the same passport as those held by his or her parents (or one of them). You also cannot buy citizenship in Romania in exchange for investment. You will still have to live in the state for four years or more to obtain a passport.

Repatriation: Romanian citizenship by ancestry  

You can obtain a Romanian passport by repatriation by proving that at least one of your ancestors in the direct ascending line owned (or owns) a similar document. The application is also approved if your Romanian relative lost his/her citizenship due to insurmountable circumstances. To participate in the program, you must:

  • be at least 18 years of age;
  • have in hand the documents proving the grounds;
  • demonstrate loyalty to the Romanian state;
  • be law-abiding and have no criminal record (also abroad).

Romanian descendants up to the third degree of consanguinity, i.e., great-grandchildren, can apply for repatriation. Your place of residence, level of Romanian language or financial situation do not matter in this case. You can apply for citizenship from abroad and wait for a decision at home. After the passport is issued, you are not obliged to immigrate to Romania – the document can be used to move to any EU country or for other purposes.

Romania’s borders changed several times during the twentieth century. For example, until 1940, the country included some areas of modern Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary, as well as the whole of Moldova. Those who lived in these territories at that time, owned a Romanian passport, so their descendants can restore the citizenship required by law in a simplified procedure. Also, after World War II, residents of the country were sent to the USSR for reconstruction work, which explains why it is possible to find roots for repatriation in people from completely different states.

We suggest making an appointment with a Relocation Compass lawyer for a free consultation to find out if you can get a Romanian passport in a simplified procedure. All you need to do is provide brief information about yourself and basic documents.

Investments: simplified naturalization

Romania does not issue “golden passports” for investments in the country’s economy. However, those who are ready to invest EUR 1,000,000 or more in the state are entitled to shorten the period of residence with a residence permit to four years instead of the standard eight. Other conditions of naturalization remain in force, including learning the language, norms of national culture and civilization.

Also, investments in the Romanian economy can be used to open a residence permit and standard naturalization. The minimum amount of investments in this case is 100-150 thousand EUR. Financing of the business environment of the state is available after the approval of the specialized bodies. You can invest, among other things, in the creation of your own company. You must also organize new jobs for the citizens of the state.

General naturalization  

As a standard procedure, you can obtain a Romanian passport after eight years of legal residence in the country. First you open a residence permit, after 5 years you change it to a permanent residence permit, and after another 36 months you apply for citizenship. It is also necessary to fulfill all the conditions of naturalization, i.e., to pass the integration test, to provide information on sources of income and absence of criminal record.

Romanian spouses have the right to naturalize in an accelerated procedure – it can be done immediately after the issuance of a permanent resident card. 4 years of stay in Romania is enough for people with international reputation, passport holders of any of the EU states, immigrants with refugee status. There are no relaxations on the conditions of entry into citizenship, except for a shorter waiting period.

To start the naturalization procedure, it is necessary to obtain a residence permit and move to Romania with it. It is important that the residency status is of the immigration type, namely, it is subject to renewal and subsequently allows you to apply for a residence permit. Otherwise, after the expiration of the temporary residence permit, you will have to look for another reason to stay in the country or you will have to leave it.

Relocation Compass international law experts will help you decide on the best way to obtain a second passport in Romania. By applying for legal advice, you can save your time and money.

Among the popular reasons for opening a residence permit with the right to subsequent naturalization are the following:

  • Employment.
    You can move to Romania after you have signed an employment contract with a local employer. You will need to obtain a work permit from the General Immigration Inspectorate. Vacancies are given to foreigners on a residual principle, after EU citizens. You can also immigrate as part of an intra-corporate transfer or a long business trip. Highly qualified professionals can apply for the EU Blue Card with special privileges such as a long validity period and free family relocation.
  • Commercial activity.
    Romania welcomes foreign businessmen and gives them the right to register companies or become individual entrepreneurs and subsequently obtain a residence permit. The laws do not stipulate restrictions on the amount of the authorized capital. The headquarters of the company must be located (actually and documented) on the territory of the state. To open a residence permit, you will need to obtain approval of the business plan submitted to the state authorities.
  • Obtaining education.
    Immigration to Romania is available for students of accredited educational institutions. The reason for opening a residence permit can be, for example, studying at a university, institute or academy, participation in an international exchange program, internship, advanced training courses. You need to provide documents on enrollment in the university and payment for the educational course. Foreign minors can also move with the written consent of their parents or guardians. You need to have a place to live in the country and resources for self-sufficiency.
  • Family reasons.
    Residence permit is granted to husbands, wives, close relatives of residents and Romanian citizens. The receiving party must provide family members with housing and commit to their maintenance. Residents can request reunification with spouses and children, citizens – also with parents (their own and/or husband/wife’s). Exceptionally, the residence permit is also granted to other relatives, in particular if they are in need of care or financially dependent on the host country.
  • Professional activity.
    In Romania, it is possible to live as a self-employed person if your profession belongs to the list of free professions according to the local legislation. For example, you can provide services as a tax or financial consultant, a certified psychologist/psychotherapist, a translator. You need to have relevant education and experience in your profession. The residence permit is granted upon approval of your candidacy by the Financial Administration Agency.
  • Other grounds.
    It is possible to obtain residency status in Romania for less common reasons. For example, a residence permit is granted to researchers at the invitation of local institutions for specialized work or to religious leaders of churches recognized in the country. It is possible to immigrate for humanitarian reasons – as a refugee or as a beneficiary of subsidiary (international) protection.
GroundNaturalizationSimplified naturalizationRepatriation
Waiting period8 years4–5 years6–14 months
Price of Romanian citizenship, EUR (administrative fees)from 600from 30018

How to obtain Romanian citizenship under a simplified program  

The accelerated procedure of Romanian citizenship by roots looks like this:

  1. Documentary preparation.
    Specialists of international law provide assistance in obtaining Romanian citizenship by analyzing your biography, creating a dossier, searching for and collecting missing certificates and evidence (including metric documents of your Romanian ancestor).
  2. Organizing the appointment at the authorities.
    You can apply for citizenship under repatriation through a diplomatic mission, but it is better to do it directly at the Agency for Citizenship Affairs (ACA) on the territory of Romania. The lawyers will help you to make an appointment for the nearest date, open a visa (if required) and prepare you for the procedure.
  3. Submission of documents.
    On the appointed date and time, you submit the file for restoration of Romanian citizenship, submit biometric data (photo, fingerprints). In return, you will be given a personalized case number, by which you can track the progress of your request.
  4. Waiting and obtaining citizenship.
    Lawyers verify information about your request and, once approved, help you make a follow-up appointment with the Romanian authorities. You attend the ACA, participate in the swearing-in ceremony and receive your Romanian citizenship card.

Procedure for obtaining Romanian citizenship

The general naturalization procedure for a Romanian citizen passport is as follows:

  1. Obtaining a national visa.
    At the first stage you prepare documents according to the reason of immigration to Romania, apply to the consulate/embassy in your home country (by appointment), pay the administrative fee (120 EUR), wait 30-45 days and collect your passport with a visa sticker.
  2. Immigration and opening of residence permit.
    With the entry permit you get to Romania, where you apply to the General Inspectorate for Migration for a temporary resident card. You need to request a residence permit one month before your visa expires, which is usually issued for 90 days. Once your application is approved, you will be granted a temporary residence permit (usually for 12 months).
  3. Renewal of residence permit.
    To extend your temporary residency status, you must maintain a reason to live in Romania. You re-apply to the migration authorities 30 days before your current residence permit is canceled. You need to re-register your residence permit for five years.
  4. Obtaining a permanent resident card.
    After five years of legal stay in Romania with a residence permit of immigration type you can get a permanent residence card. The document is issued similarly to the temporary residence.
  5. Submission of a request for naturalization.
    Once you have complied with the residency and related requirements, you submit your documents to the Citizenship Agency. You will also need to submit biometric data.
  6. Obtaining citizenship.
    The authorized body decides on your application, after which you are required to take an oath and receive a Romanian citizenship card.

Denial and revocation of citizenship  

Romanian passport is not given to those who pose a threat to national security. Requests are denied due to errors in documents, incomplete files, or providing incorrect information. Failure to meet any of the requirements for the applicant is also a frequent reason for rejection. Citizenship can also be revoked if the applicant has obtained it illegally, for example, by using false facts or documents.

To make the procedure of Romanian citizenship registration easy and without unnecessary worries, it is worth delegating most of the tasks to Relocation Compass migration specialists. A personal lawyer will go with you through all the stages of the program up to the moment of obtaining an EU passport and will ensure the legality of all actions.

Advantages of Romanian citizenship

The main advantage of Romanian citizenship is that you automatically receive a European Union passport. With this document you can stay in the EU countries without time restrictions and additional requirements, without the need to open a visa or demonstrate financial security. You can immigrate together with family members, who will easily obtain a residence permit in the country. Also, a Romanian passport gives you the following advantages:

  • the right to occupy vacancies in any EU countries under the same conditions (working hours, social guarantees, income level) as native citizens;
  • the opportunity to open and develop business on world markets, as well as to use grant programs to support entrepreneurs;
  • access to visa-free travel to more than 160 countries, including Canada and the United States of America;
  • the right to apply for studies at recognized European universities at the expense of the state or scholarship programs;
  • unlimited services in reliable banking institutions, including processing loans and opening accounts in a convenient currency;
  • the possibility to switch to Romanian tax residency to reduce the financial burden (for example, the personal income tax from 10%);
  • the prospect of receiving qualified medical care in clinics in Europe without paying more than the insurance.

Dual citizenship in Romania

Romania does not require immigrants to give up their former passport upon naturalization and repatriation. Multiple citizenship is allowed in the country, but each state will consider you only as its own citizen with corresponding privileges and powers. There is no information in the legislative acts that Romania notifies the authorities of other countries about the issuance of its passport by foreigners. At the same time, the state also has no signed agreements on dual citizenship. That is, in terms of local laws, you will only be a Romanian citizen.

Start Your EU Citizenship Application Now!

Reviews of those who have received a passport of a Romanian citizen

According to immigrants’ feedback, the process of obtaining a Romanian passport is troublesome and time-consuming. Naturalization requires long-term residence in the country while maintaining the reason for which the residence permit was opened, which is not easy. It is enough, for example, to lose a job, close a business or complete studies, so that the resident status was revoked, and the period of stay in the state is canceled. There are many requirements for applicants for citizenship, in addition, it is necessary to correctly form a package of documents, because even one mistake will be the reason for denial of the request.

Experienced immigrants advise to apply for a second citizenship in the EU with the support of specialists in international law. Relocation Compass lawyers conduct a personal check of the dossier and make an individual plan for obtaining a Romanian passport, taking into account your wishes and plans. Specialists are well versed in the legal aspects of EU states, giving you a guaranteed opportunity to obtain a strong passport quickly, easily and without significant costs. You can sign up for a free consultation right now to become a Romanian citizen as early as 2025.

Alex Wong


Alex Wong

Immigration lawyer at Relocation Compass


13 minutes

Date: 14-02-2025
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